Trailing four runs in the bottom of the ninth inning, it was apparent the Yankees were already thinking about room…
Trailing four runs in the bottom of the ninth inning, it was apparent the Yankees were already thinking about room…
Two days ago, Nintendo revealed how two of their biggest Wii franchises, Wii Fit U and Wii Sports, would be…
These days it can seem like every other video game is a sequel. Everyone loves sequels, right? They're familiar,…
Activision has gone out and hired a lobbyist—one of the biggest lobbying firms in Washington—for representation when …
This is a trailer for a fan-film based on Final Fantasy VI. It looks fantastic. And it will probably never be made.
Company offers to double the money a game makes on Kickstarter in exchange for exclusivity. What could possibly go…
Electronic Arts and the makers of Bell Helicopter, have settled a lawsuit concerning the use of real-world aircraft…
2K Drive isn't just a new racing game from the makers of Project Gotham Racing. It's a massive mobile celebration of…
Didn't we just go through this with Final Fantasy VII? Someone wants to make a Metroid fan film. They're raising…
Nintendo today sued a Miami-based modding business saying its operation "blatantly promotes and sells unauthorized…