Above is a quick commercial for Tokyo Disney Resort. It doesn't look very Disney! There's a reason for that:…
A Point And Click Adventure Game created by Dylan Downing as part of the Reality-On-The-Norm project.
Above is a quick commercial for Tokyo Disney Resort. It doesn't look very Disney! There's a reason for that:…
Does playing every game in the Kingdom Hearts series qualify you as a true fan? Commenter zombie711 thinks it might…
People who I've spoken to at Rockstar Games have hinted to me that the multiplayer mode in Max Payne 3 is going to…
Once a game comes out, some game developers may go to tropical locations or re-acquaint themselves with families…
There's something inexcusably adorable about taking a virtual child, stuffing them into a big-headed, full-body…
That PlayStation Plus membership will feel like a much better investment today, now that the Mortal Kombat demo for…
Kotaku's reporting team is in its second day of news-wrangling at the 2011 Game Developers Conference, bringing back…
There is blood on the wall, a smear that drags down to the floor, bits of hair swaying gently in the breeze. It's…
The bestselling game in Japan this past week was an American-made game, with Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops…
Once you finish playing next month's Metroid: Other M on the Wii, you can watch it. A "theater mode" will stitch the…