The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have brought... scratch that, just arrows. Towerfall has ascended from…
The Final Earth is a mini city builder/simulation on a small planet. It's 2100 and Earth has been made uninhabitable by devastating climate change. As a great scientist, you have prepared, of course. Over the last fifty years, you built a teleporter and transported yourself and some materials across the galaxy to the only habitable planet you could find. Unfortunately, it's pretty small. Can you build a new society on this planet?
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have brought... scratch that, just arrows. Towerfall has ascended from…
Get a $5 gift card by pre-ordering any version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes today. It's not the deepest of…
Amazon's gold box deal is Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for $20 off. In gameplay terms, it was among the best of…
Rayman Legends makes its way to Xbox One and PS4 this week, followed by Strider's long-awaited return to the…
Chrono Trigger is an upcoming book by Michael P Williams. It's...all about Chrono Trigger, looking at parallels…
I’ve watched a lot of Gundam in my time. As a franchise, it is built around using the same story formula again and…
Outbreak Company is a love letter to otaku everywhere—and that is both its greatest strength and greatest weakness.
Cobra Commander was an incompetent buffoon; Destro a vainglorious bastard. The real power behind the Cobra…
We're about to climb out of the customary two-month hibernation video games enter every December. An updated Tomb…
Not much cooking this week in terms of new releases, outside of Olli Olli on Tuesday for PS Vita. One more week of…