In Spring 2018, the New York Excelsior had just won the Overwatch League Stage 2 Championship. In preparation for…
In Spring 2018, the New York Excelsior had just won the Overwatch League Stage 2 Championship. In preparation for…
It’s been a bad year for great games, but a great year for good ones.
Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, the first of four major DLC expansions planned for Borderlands 3, is an odd…
Beyoncé? Radiohead? Taylor Swift? Daft Punk? All great musicians, yes, but not quite the single greatest musician of…
Enter the Gungeon demands so much of your attention. Mastering the bullet hell means enduring a cycle of dodging,…
Today on Kotaku Splitscreen we’re talking about crunch, a complicated issue that affects us all in a lot of ways.…
Dying Light 2 takes parkour zombie slaying to a new city, and there’s a reason for that. Where the first game,…
For the 10th year in a row (!), I’ve tallied the games I played in the past 12 months and have counted the ones I’ve…
Is it possible to care about Sonic the Hedgehog? Can a person really be concerned about Sega's blue creation and…
When you give money to a Kickstarter, do its creators owe you anything beyond the rewards that were promised? Is…