For the 14th straight year, I’m listing all the games I’ve played in the past 12 months. I’m also offering some…
For the 14th straight year, I’m listing all the games I’ve played in the past 12 months. I’m also offering some…
Video games appear in TV shows and movies all the time. Usually, they are just small background elements. A…
It’s been a challenging year for many reasons here at Kotaku—well, really just one reason—and I don’t know what the…
When I first met the co-founders of Yacht Club Games in October of 2016, at their sleek, ocean-adjacent offices in…
Shovel Knight: King of Cards is the perfect reason to jump back into Yacht Club Games’ ever-expanding shovel-verse.…
In addition to the ability to play as Link, Super Mario Maker 2’s latest update has added a new speedrunning mode…
Cecilia D’Anastasio, Kotaku Senior Reporter and resident Overwatchologist, has completed her last sidequest around…
2019 was the year of the Switch.
I recently picked up the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection and started playing through all the different…
Donkey Kong Country turned 25 years old on November 21. I waited until yesterday to stream it on Kotaku’s Twitch…