Video game movement's the best, isn't it? Jumping higher than possible in reality, dodging, rolling and sprinting…
A very rare physical edition of Super Meat Boy, with all the art of the package being a compilation of fan arts made by russian fans for a contest. It was only on sale in Russia.
Video game movement's the best, isn't it? Jumping higher than possible in reality, dodging, rolling and sprinting…
You know what they say...more money more problems. Or, more accurately, the more money you have, the more likely you…
Yes, it's another quirky indie puzzle platformer. With physics and stuff. But come on, just look at it. I want to…
Flappy Bird may be gone, but that doesn't mean you can't still play it—with hundreds of other people at the same…
Growing up sucks. Jungle gyms are replaced by cubicles and healthy almonds replace gobs of Gushers. Or something…
On January 15 and 16, Valve is holding a special event. I'm not invited. You're probably not, either.
Couple of great 360-related deals available today, and if you need a new 360 or a replacement 360 or a 360 for a…
Game creators who have tried Valve's unusual new game controller tell Kotaku that the device holds a lot of promise.…
The mark of a better video game, for me, is that it lingers in my mind. I think about it after I'm done playing with…
Team Meat's Edmund McMillen emailed out the first-ever trailer for Mew-Genics in the wee hours of the morning, and…