Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
Super Mario Forever, also widely known as 'Super Mario Bros. Frustration', is a 'Kaizo Hack' of Super Mario Bros. made by a Japanese modder. It is notable for being one of the first extremely difficult Super Mario hacks to be created. This is the game that is played in the popular video "Super Mario Brothers - Frustration" on YouTube.
Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
Various game emulation sites are pulling down their software libraries, or ceasing to exist entirely, following a…
Video games are constantly trying different ways to make you feel like the game you’re playing has exciting,…
Creating a new character World of Warcraft might be an unfun exercise in grinding, but it also gives orc players the…
I’ve been playing a ton of old games on my Switch. If you own one, you probably have too. Now, sure, that is in part…
If the president of Koei Tecmo had his way, the next couple of Warriors games would be Star Wars and Mario. You…
Virtual Console is no more, but that doesn’t mean that Switch won’t become the best place to play classic games.…
It’s time to settle which of Nintendo’s simian superstars is truly top banana.
The Game Boy is so iconic it’s transcended the limitations of its hardware to become something more than just an old…
Earlier this week, Chasm, the years-in-development action-adventure platformer inspired by games like Super Castlevan…