King of Fighters - i | The King of Fighters - i hit the iPhone and iPad today. (Photo by Brian Crecente)
Street Fighter Series is a collection of the first two Street Fighter games - Street Fighter and Street Fighter II. As a bonus two other Capcom games are included on the disk - Mega Man and Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting.
King of Fighters - i | The King of Fighters - i hit the iPhone and iPad today. (Photo by Brian Crecente)
What new digital goods await North American PlayStation 3 owners The downloadable PlayStation Move Ape Escape, for…
CANDY BRAAAAAINS: | Zombie Pinata pinata filled with... goodies? (Photo by Brian Crecente)
After Capcom released Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike near the turn of the century, the company pretty much got out…
The Arcade Edition of Super Street Fighter IV arrives for Xbox 360 and PS3 this week. Another anticipated drop is…
The long-awaited 3D remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the highlight of the week, and is in stores as…
Gameplay impressions are difficult to form under the lights, sights and cacophony of E3 in full swing, where you…
Jump In | GREAT BRITAIN:Juha Kankkunen races his Lancia Delta at 1991's RAC Rally of Great Britain. (Photo: Allsport…
Well, we're not impressed by what we've seen so far of Duke Nukem: Forever, but there is something to be said for…
UFC Undisputed may be a sports simulation, but the series has roots in fighting games, says the game's producer, and …