Akira Toriyama is famous as being the creator of Dragonball, though he's also worked on video games, most notably…
Street Fighter Series is a collection of the first two Street Fighter games - Street Fighter and Street Fighter II. As a bonus two other Capcom games are included on the disk - Mega Man and Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting.
Akira Toriyama is famous as being the creator of Dragonball, though he's also worked on video games, most notably…
In today's Speak Up, Daemon_Gildas confesses that Ryu just flat out sucks. Especially compared to his rivals.
The man who became synonymous with Capcom's fighting games will now be helping Nathan Drake, Fat Princess and…
The virtues of the live-action Ace Attorney movie have been expounded upon in Kotaku's official review. But because…
The Evo Champtionship Series is a hardcore, competitive gaming gathering dedicated to the purest fighting games. Stre…
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS, the tenth game in the Gundam VS series, is the most popular home and portable console…
The unfortunately-named Lemmings-style survival puzzler Save the Furries makes its WiiWare debut this week, leading…
Yes, video game movies by and large suck, but that doesn't mean there isn't a chance that one bright day we might…
When people think of Japanese fighting games, they think of Street Fighter, Tekken, King of Fighters and BlazBlue.…
We've got one interpretation. And it's a funny one. But it's not terribly realistic. Which is why, in some ways, I…