I just watched two people from Naughty Dog play The Last of Us in Santa Monica. It was the best demo for a game I've…
I just watched two people from Naughty Dog play The Last of Us in Santa Monica. It was the best demo for a game I've…
Capcom is out of ideas (or at least the willpower) for new Mega Man games. Little Mark here, though, Mark is a…
As the NFL lockout dragged all of the spring and much of the summer, Madden NFL 12 figured to be the only football…
Previewed this spring, the list of Madden NFL 12's improvements to its Franchise campaign read like a letter to…
Much Rocking and Beards, No Cake - Jonathan Coulton rocked it on our roof today. Why? Because that's how he rolls.…
A cymbal flutters like a pancake after being struck in this video, taken at 1000 frames per second, by the Fluke…
With just seven days left on the calendar, we'll soon begin the retrospectives on 2010, but let's start first with a…
Bombastic, titanic, brutally imaginative and even occasionally subtle, God of War III is the latest, best reason for…
I've lived in Japan for a long time. When I first came here, I liked living here. Now, I don't. I haven't changed.…