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Game TipsGame Tips9 Street Fighter 6 Settings To Tweak Before You Start Throwing HandsStreet Fighter 6’s menus are terrible, so here’s how to navigate them and change some key settingsByKenneth ShepardPublishedJuly 5, 2023
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Game TipsGame TipsDiablo IV: 16 Things The Game Doesn’t Tell YouWhat you don’t know can kill you in Diablo IV, so heed these tips on the game’s more underexplained aspectsByClaire JacksonPublishedJune 27, 2023
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryFinal Fantasy XVI's RPG Elements Are Barely ThereThe more action-oriented installment in the franchise feels like Square Enix should've left its RPG mechanics outByHayes MadsenPublishedJune 23, 2023
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ReviewsPlayStationReviewsPlayStationFinal Fantasy XVI: The Kotaku ReviewA bold shift to action and a stirring fantasy tale make this the best Final Fantasy in agesByCorey PlanteUpdatedJune 22, 2023
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