64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Square Wars
64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
Working on the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 remixes has been good training for Kingdom Hearts 3, said Tai Yasue…
The Collector's Edition of Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 Remix is a Square-Enix Store exclusive and costs $100, but yeah…
Best Buy has some decent prices on the 3DS XL today, but surprise: the deal includes the Smash Bros. editions.
Square Enix offered a playable demo of the new Final Fantasy Explorers at this year's Tokyo Game Show and I got a…
The Logitech G710+ was one of your top 5 nominations for Best Gaming Keyboard, and today it's for just $100,…
LEGO builder Thomas Benedikt has big dreams. He wants to build a LEGO version of a Super Star Destroyer. And yes,…
Following last week's List of 7 Obscure RPGs I Wish Had Sequels, there were so many incredible suggestions from Kot…