7/23/21Yes, That Was Final Fantasy At The Olympics Ceremony. And There's More!The 2020 Olympics, set in Tokyo, opens by celebrating one of Japan's most vibrant industriesByPatricia HernandezPublishedJuly 23, 2021
Kotaku EastJapanKotaku EastJapanNew Bravely Default Announced For Mobile In JapanCalled Bravely Default: Brilliant Lights, it currently does not have an release dateByBrian AshcraftPublishedJuly 14, 2021
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressions12 Hours With Scarlet Nexus, Bandai Namco’s New Action-RPGIt might look like a Tales game, but it's so much moreByAri NotisPublishedJune 25, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsMarvel’s Avengers Update Leaks Your IP Address [Update]Maybe don't stream until Square Enix gets this fixedByMike FaheyPublishedJune 22, 2021
CultureE3CultureE3Final Fantasy Origin’s Normie Fuckboy Scores More Stylish Gear As You PlayStranger of Paradise’s lead still looks lame, but at least his fits improveByIan WalkerPublishedJune 16, 2021
CultureE3CultureE3Every Confirmed New Game At E3 2021From Replaced to Redfall, E3 2021 was full of never-before-seen gamesByAri Notis and Mike FaheyPublishedJune 16, 2021
CultureE3CultureE3The Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Demo Is Corrupt And Unplayable [Update]Square Enix is working on a fix for the Final Fantasy action game demoByMike FaheyPublishedJune 14, 2021
CultureCultureHere's The E3 (And Not-E3) 2021 Press Conference Schedule So FarBetween E3, Summer Game Fest, and individual publisher events, prepare for a head-spinning announcement seasonByAri NotisPublishedJune 10, 2021
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsFFVII Remake Doors Look Much Better On PS5Sadly, Cloud still can't seem to close the damn thingsByMike FaheyPublishedJune 9, 2021
CultureCultureEvery Indie Game Shown During Today’s Guerrilla Collective ShowcaseIt’s officially E3 season. Between the marquee E3 pressers (Microsoft, Square Enix, Ubisoft, et cetera) and…ByAri NotisPublishedJune 5, 2021