March 11th this year will mark the one-year anniversary of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Since that time, a great deal…
Square Deal (known as Cadillac II in Japan) is a card based poker variant game. It is the sequel to the Japanese only game Cadillac.
March 11th this year will mark the one-year anniversary of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Since that time, a great deal…
Last year turned out to be a tough one for most Japanese game companies. With natural and nuclear disasters and…
Used to being led about by the nose in Final Fantasy XIII? Final Fantasy XIII-2 is here, and it's nowhere near as…
In an epic tale of time-traveling heroism, Square Enix travels two years into the future to rectify the mistakes it…
And so we come to the end of our "Best Game Music of 2011" series, where tradition dictates we crown a victor. I'm…
Remember when Final Fantasy games were a hot-damn, big-deal reason to get a PlayStation console? That era ended a…
PC | FUKUOKA, JAPAN: Cyber athletes at a recent gaming event in Japan. (Photo: Game Watch Impress)
How far would you go to save a life? To save lives? Would you sacrifice an innocent civilian to save a hundred more?…
No, according to Final Fantasy XIII-2 producer Yoshinori Kitase, it could be an action-RPG.
The road to 343 Industries' Halo 4 begins today with the release of Halo: Glasslands, the beginning of a new series…