Apex Legends' designers pull from Titanfall lore and fashion trends like gorpcore and techwear
Apex Legends' designers pull from Titanfall lore and fashion trends like gorpcore and techwear
Epic has been taken music licensing to new levels to fill out Fortnite’s radio stations
Some CoD fans think cheaters are being paid bounties to keep players off of Warzone 1
Whether you’re playing Fortnite or Warzone, here are some battle royale player stereotypes
The plot behind Epic's massive battle royale deserves more appreciation than it gets
Respawn announced the Apex Legends Sun Squad collection event and everyone lost their minds
Mario Kart, Minecraft, and more are proof of Epic Games masterplan
Valve announces a follow-up to one of the biggest online shooters ever
Fortnite's new Unreal Editor is gonna be like GTA modding on chug jugs
The AK-47 Wild Lotus commanded an even higher price than most rare skins