A game created in Twine about a boy trying to ignore what happened last summer.
Recently I’ve been using a new controller to play video games. It has buttons on the top, and triggers on the back.…
In Watch Dogs 2, NPCs aren’t just set dressing. Instead, the virtual people populating the streets of San Francisco…
The weekend before last I asked our readers, as I do every year, to give us their vision of what E3 2016 might look…
Remember the part of The Lion King where Scar challenges Simba to grind all the elephant skulls in the elephant…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that provides the FAQ to the dating sim…
Mordhau is the latest attempt to try and get first-person melee controls working properly in a video game.
Bunker Punks is a roguelike first person shooter by Shane Neville’s one-person studio, Ninja Robot Dinosaur. That’s…
I was more mixed on Just Cause 3 than I was expecting to be, but the game can still be a hell of a lot of fun. It’s…
When the first video we see of a game on launch day is a two minute montage of glitches captured within the first…