The complaint often arises with anime that the voices all sound the same. So how does it sound when you have one…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Sisters
Be careful where you look, because something doesn't want you here! Uncover the mysteries and solve the puzzles of the house, rescue your sister, and escape before it's too late.
The complaint often arises with anime that the voices all sound the same. So how does it sound when you have one…
République is one of the most remarkable mobile-first games ever created, and its PC/Mac port is 20% off today on…
Many stories have been told in the Resident Evil universe since the t-virus, Umbrella Corporation, and Raccoon City…
Ever wonder what the name "Totoro" means? It's the mispronunciation of the word "troll" from a Norwegian children's…
Rooster Teeth animator Monty Oum has passed away, the production studio announced today. The 33-year-old was…
This Winter will bring the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask where Link must save the world over a three…
DeviantArt's Hyung86 has been hard at work on his Disney University series which, as the name implies, depicts…
Video games are changing. Increasingly, we're seeing a subset of players focus their attention on one single video…
Two of them are remasters and one's an incredibly quirky downloadable role-playing game, but there are definitely…
After the fall iteration of the Monogatari franchise, I must admit to being a bit worried. Luckily, on New Year's…