All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Silent Night
There is a 'presence' haunting the long forgotten church of 'Northfield'. Angry spirits seek revenge for an ancient crime, from the terrible time of The Black Death. Ghost-hunter, Nigel Danvers, has been sent to investigate the case, using his kitbag of ghost-hunting gadgets, on the loneliest night of the year.
Fantasy Life, released today by Nintendo for 3DS, is not so much a video game as it is a to-do list. Playing this…
Last week I got on the phone with Bungie's Luke Smith, lead designer on Destiny's Vault of Glass raid. We had a…
There are more than a few popular horror game series out there—from classics like Resident Evil and Silent Hill to…
The Black Glove, which is being made by ex-BioShock devs, looks like BioShock's zanier child, but it certainly…
We're in San Francisco club called Stud, and there are people in fur suits everywhere. Colored lights and crashing…
There's a PlayStation mural outside of E3. It features PS mainstays in boats, a parody of this George Washington…
This past weekend saw this year’s Tales of Festival event in Tokyo—a celebration of the Tales JRPG franchise. It was…