This week's new PlayStation 3 releases via the PlayStation Store may not be the highlight, but new PSP games might,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Shanghai
Shanghai is a computerized version of mahjong solitaire. After winning a game, the tiles reveal the three-dimensional blinking eye of a dragon behind the game screen. The Macintosh and Sega Master System version shows an animated dragon spitting fire.
This week's new PlayStation 3 releases via the PlayStation Store may not be the highlight, but new PSP games might,…
I don't normally draw attention to the regular sales held on the PAL PlayStation Store, but this week, there are…
This is how you make friends and influence people in the Information Age (as a writer, anyway):
Summer is due for some Shanghai shoot 'em up grit and grime, thanks to those lovable scamps Kane and Lynch. The…
Can Salem stop this nurse from getting between him and Rios? Find out in Chapters of Deceit, a new campaign map pack…
Red 5 Studios may never complete its unannounced MMO. The Irvine, California based developer founded by ex-Blizzard…
Kane & Lynch's raw and grimy aesthetic extends to something rarely expected in IO Interactive's sequel—the camera.…
The battle for Shanghai rages on in your home with the release of NECA's Army of Two: The 40th Day action figures,…
The assembled game critics team-up to take on EA's latest co-op shooter in our Army of Two: The 40th Day…
Jonah Wade is a madman whose paid soldiers are blowing up Shanghai. Also, he used to make action movies to recruit…