Screencheat is a chaotic split-screen multiplayer shooter that forces players to rethink the way they approach conventional multiplayer games. In the Screencheat arena, fast reaction times aren’t enough to keep you alive. When everyone is invisible, players will have to master the art of taking a not-so sneaky look at their opponent’s screens and working out where they are based on uniquely coloured areas of the map and distinctive landmarks. Screencheat pays homage to iconic competitive first-person shooters such as Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Halo, by blending the elements everyone loves about those games and shaking it up with its own unique take on the genre. When everyone’s used to playing by the rules, can you adapt to unconventional gaming quick enough to get the upper hand?
It’s an interesting week with the long-awaited Darksiders III, Artifact, and Floor Kids on a new platform.
In case you weren’t excited enough about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess the first time around, now’s your…
I love games that encourage players to break the rules.
The Game Developer's Conference is indie game central this year. There's so much indie new that it's difficult to…
Think back to playing Goldeneye multiplayer. Or Halo. The absolute worst thing you could do was to "cheat" by…
Humble visits Japan in this week's Weekly with Ys, Pixeljunk Shooter, and more.
"Hey, stop looking at my screen!" is a pretty common refrain when people are playing competitive multiplayer games…