John Riccitiello, CEO of game publisher Electronic Arts, is stepping down from his position.
Scrabble is a staple of casual videogaming, and has appeared on almost every console. Players assemble words on a board from seven random tiles.
John Riccitiello, CEO of game publisher Electronic Arts, is stepping down from his position.
I got away with a lot at my wedding. Lord of the Rings music in church, Autobot cufflinks, a Han-and-Leia-topped…
In a desperate attempt at tying its products in with current events, EA Mobile grabbed some key words from President…
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Word games? I love ‘em. Give me a jumble of letters and a grid and I'll go to town. One great thing about the advent…
Editor's Note: If people in the gaming industry really wanted to hide stuff, they're going to have to do better. The…
The rise of Words with Friends has brought the slow and plodding casual word game genre into the spotlight. With Le…