QUOTE | “We’ve seen this in the franchise before - the reveal trailer for Black Ops II, which took the franchise…
Despite launching to, er, an amount of fanfare, VR is still by and large uncharted territory. I see a bunch of ideas…
A first-person magic dueling game. A third-person, Altered Beast-style brawler. An Antarctic horror adventure. The…
QUOTE | “As Sam Houser reviewed more of the game that he had overseen for many years, he became more desperate…
Any game you play on the HTC Vive will work with the Oculus Rift. But the Rift has some games that are supposed to…
Valve and HTC’s Vive is the most impressive VR experience out there, but the majority of its games feel like…
Gaming on a laptop normally requires a sacrifice of graphics power for form factor. AVADirect’s Avant P870DM-G…
It’s getting hot over here on the west coast. So hot! Better stay in and play games instead.
For the past five days, I’ve spent nearly as much time in virtual reality as real reality. My calves ache and my…