The Half-Life franchise contains some of the best and most beloved video games ever made. While the vast majority of…
The Half-Life franchise contains some of the best and most beloved video games ever made. While the vast majority of…
Despite the harrowing circumstances impacting the world, 2020 was a stand-out year for PlayStation.
It’s hard to imagine what the state of the Nintendo Switch would look like right now if 2020 hadn’t been so…
Red Dead Online’s latest update isn’t much. While Rockstar plans on adding a big new island to GTA Online later this…
Consider the slate of cross-platform games coming out on both new consoles. It’s a modest list, featuring Assassin’s…
The PlayStation 5. The Xbox Series X. The next generation of console gaming is upon us. As is our sacred duty, we…
Over the summer, information about Microsoft’s next-gen console came out slower than self-serve frozen yogurt. We…
The live-action Monster Hunter movie will begin its Japanese theatrical run next year on March 26, which is the same day Monster Hunter Rise is getting released on the Nintendo Switch. In case you missed the movie trailer, check it out here.
Destiny 2 will be a completely different game once Bungie vaults a number of its planets next month, so one…
Before last week, Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch’s open-world samurai action game, was a single-player game.…