OpinionOpinion10 Things You Should Never Say To A PC GamerTread carefully, console owners, it's time for some gaming hardware snobberyByJoshua ChuPublishedJune 29, 2023
Game TipsGame Tips15 Critical Tips To Know Before Jumping Into Final Fantasy XVIIt's war out there in the latest Final Fantasy epic. Here are key tips to help you surviveByHayes MadsenPublishedJune 22, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsReddit Is Removing Mods Over NSFW ProtestsCEO Steve Huffman is at the helm for a sitewide meltdown that affects some of the biggest gaming communities on the…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedJune 20, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsReddit Hackers Demand $4.5 Million Ransom For Stolen Company DataA ransomware group has threatened to leak 80GB of internal data if Reddit doesn't reverse courseByLevi WinslowPublishedJune 20, 2023
CulturePokemonCulturePokemonPokémon Spoiled The TCG By Making One Set Far Too GoodBuying packs has been way less fun, ever since the excellent pull rates of Crown ZenithByJohn WalkerPublishedJune 19, 2023
Game TipsGame Tips8 Games To Play This WeekendIt’s a three day weekend, so what should you be playing for the next 72 hours?ByClaire JacksonPublishedJune 16, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsPlayboy Founder’s Son Funds His Pokémon Obsession With An OnlyFansPlayboy scion (and gamer) Marston Hefner can now add ‘sex worker’ to his resumeByLevi WinslowPublishedJune 15, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsReddit CEO Says Blackout Hasn’t Really Cost Them Money Yet And ‘Will Pass’Company boss Steve Huffman said the issues facing the website 'will pass'ByLevi WinslowPublishedJune 13, 2023
CultureSummer Game Fest 2023CultureSummer Game Fest 2023Cyberpunk 2077’s Devs Explain The $30 Expansion Price Tag That’s Raising EyebrowsThe expansion costs nearly as much as both Witcher 3 expansions, and CD Projekt Red explains whyByKenneth ShepardPublishedJune 11, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsNetflix Series I Think You Should Leave’s Ridic Egg Game Is Now RealThe game comes with donation links for an organization that helps queer folksByLevi WinslowUpdatedJune 6, 2023