In games there are three basic ways we experience architecture: as game design, as a personalized space, or through…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Rules of Engagement
Rules of Engagement is a role-playing game in which you take on the role of a Fleet Commander deployed to lead Federated Worlds forces in specific missions against enemy or rebel forces. Each mission takes place an a particular solar system. The game is very realistic and extremely difficult. The extensive manual as attached to help the new players to become familiar with the game mechanics.
In games there are three basic ways we experience architecture: as game design, as a personalized space, or through…
Roger Ebert's recent comments about video games and their potential as art, and especially the immense stir the…
Kellee Santiago, the game developer whose recent talk about games and art was critiqued by Roger Ebert, is ready to…
The parallels between video games and the 2007 death of over a dozen Iraqis are clear. Not so clear, but just as…
Excerpts from the book Expressive Processing. Reprinted with express permission of the author.
Don't call it a deathmatch, says Gearbox. Don't call it Horde mode either. It's just Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, an…
Two Swiss organizations have examined 19 games (including "Metal Gear Soldier 4") for their compliance with/flouting…
By the title alone, you knew Six Days in Fallujah, Konami's planned "documentary-style" combat game about Iraq,…
Infinite Interactive takes its innovative mix of role-playing and puzzle games to the stars with Puzzle Quest:…
Six years after the first Army-branded game took the country by storm, the U.S. Army is ready to roll out sequel…