I spent a few minutes staring at the screen when SOMA ended. It’s messed up, and even though you can see it coming,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Roll Freak
Drag to move, hold to stop, charge to sprint. In danger, hold nearby hackable machines to make a way out.
I spent a few minutes staring at the screen when SOMA ended. It’s messed up, and even though you can see it coming,…
When the credits rolled on SOMA, my head fell into my hands. I felt relief that the harrowing journey was over, and…
Earlier this week, I asked you guys to share your most memorable video game victories. The only thing more…
You may have noticed a lot of people talking about the new PS4 game Bloodborne. It’s good, they say. It’s really…
I left our own Kirk Hamilton with a challenge when we last discussed one of the greatest games of all time—a game he…
This Winter will bring the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask where Link must save the world over a three…
In 2014, we shared the stories from game developers who have been laid off. We followed the ups and downs of the Ma…
Newcomers to Far Cry 4: greetings! I hope you're enjoying your time in Kyrat so far. It's a pretty dangerous place…
Hello Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that's short on bullshit, tall in…
Hello Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column written entirely with a Valyrian steel…