Kingdom Hearts III is an overwhelming melting pot of Disney cheer and anime excess. The franchise has previously…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Robot Female Hero 3
Several years after the events of Robot Female Hero 2, a group of tyranical invaders had arrived to try and take of the Milky way. Standing in their way is the cast from the first game. Once again this is a classic top-down RPG that seeks to recreate the games that dominated the 90's!
Kingdom Hearts III is an overwhelming melting pot of Disney cheer and anime excess. The franchise has previously…
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake’s defining attribute is texture. Metal Gear shaped an initial world, and Metal Gear 2…
It’s summer. It’s hot. Who the hell wants to go outside? Let’s stay inside and watch some anime.
It’s hot outside. Let’s stay in and watch some anime.
Sony's first handheld gaming system has been replaced by a younger, shinier model. Maybe you've waited this whole…
Originally started four years ago as a six-part anime movie adaptation of a novel series, Gundam Unicorn has finally…
This year, legends walk the silver screen. From Captain Kirk to Superman, our greatest heroes are back, and facing…
The other day on Twitter, fellow Kotaku writer Kate Cox mentioned she had just finished Xenogears, Square's classic…
Sucker Punch is such a bad movie that it raises the bar for what counts as terrible. That's because there's a…
This morning a videogame literally forced me to say "I love you", enunciating every syllable perfectly, clearly…