Nietzsche once said, "Without music, life would be a mistake."
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Rise of a Hero
Clear the areas captured by terrorists in Syria from terrorists and rescue the hostages.
Nietzsche once said, "Without music, life would be a mistake."
ZombiU is the Wii U's extremely difficult survival horror first-person shooter. You're not supposed to be able to…
Oh, how I love sunny days in Inaba. I know that Yukiko will be out on the street, or maybe Rise, waiting to hang…
"Mid-core" is a term being bandied about quite a lot lately, indicating the evolution of social games from passive…
Heroes of Ruin is an incredibly apropos title for Square Enix and N-Space's online multiplayer action role-playing…
About a month ago, on the top floor of a seven-story hotel whose elevators were temporarily out of service, I saw…
The overlap in intended audience between Empire and The Hunger Games Adventures is probably vanishingly small. Both…
In this super-sized edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter DocSeuss tells us the difference between being immersed…
Since well before Kotaku Melodic, I've been writing about and keeping an eye on musical video games. Whenever I talk…
My newly-created Priest character descended towards the mystical island upon his majestic flying steed amidst a…