Earlier today, Sony and Eidos reiterated the launch details for a trilogy of Tomb Raider re-releases destined for…
Relive is a free sci-fi adventure game about CPR. Its main purpose is to increase the awareness about this topic and encourage people to take a CPR class and be prepared to intervene in case of need. Discover the story and challenge your friends in tournament mode!
Earlier today, Sony and Eidos reiterated the launch details for a trilogy of Tomb Raider re-releases destined for…
There is nothing like the holidays to bring a family together … together in a car, or on an airplane, together for…
Our second and final MMO Log for World of Warcraft's Cataclysm expansion begins with a five-year-old Horde…
Truly terrible arcade-inspired album Pac-Man Fever is coming to Rock Band Network next year, letting Rock Band…
The future of Assassin's Creed series promises twists and "something really big," the writer of Assassin's Creed…
While Dead Rising fans are waiting for the first game's hero's triumphant return in Dead Rising 2's Case West…
The World of Warcraft Cataclysm collector's edition made it to the roof of our New York offices today, as part of…
Ubisoft is calling it Project Legacy, but the newly launched Facebook training simulator for Templar front company…
Strangely-detailed hypothetical situation: You are a video game reporter, you have an early build of Civilzation V…
When I was a kid, summer meant saving up my paperboy money for two things: Fireworks and video games.