CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenMass Effect Is Back, But It Seems Like Morality Meters Are Gone For GoodWill you save the orphans or eat them? Will you blow up the planet or give it renewable energy and free healthcare?…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMay 28, 2021
CultureCultureBlazing Strike Is A New, Old-School 2D FighterBecause there’s no such thing as too many anime-inspired 2D fighting games, Aksys and RareBreed Makes Games just…ByMike FaheyPublishedMay 20, 2021
CultureCultureCall of Duty Mid-Season Update Adds '80s Action Heroes, Die Hard's Nakatomi PlazaCall of Duty’s mid-season “Reloaded” update has arrived for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone, bringing Sylvester…ByS.E. DosterPublishedMay 20, 2021
OpinionAsk KotakuOpinionAsk KotakuDid You Like The New Mortal Kombat Movie?It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning…ByLisa Marie SegarraPublishedMay 3, 2021
CultureFeatureCultureFeatureIzuho 'IPPO' Numata On Working At Early-'90s Sega And Composing Phantasy Star IVThe Phantasy Star composer talks about how her classic melodies came about.ByPeter TieryasPublishedApril 27, 2021
CultureCultureCall of Duty Gets '80s Map For Season ThreeFollowing yesterday’s Warzone nuke events, Call of Duty’s Season Three has officially begun for both Black Ops Cold…ByS.E. DosterPublishedApril 22, 2021
ReviewsBacklogReviewsBacklogOnly After I Embraced My Doom Did Abadox Reveal Its CharmsI’ve been playing a lotta Nintendo Entertainment System lately, partially to make sure RetroArch’s workin’ fine on…ByAlexandra HallPublishedApril 9, 2021
CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicFamicom Graffiti's Metroid Remix Kills, But Oh Dear, That One Zelda Track...Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…ByAlexandra HallPublishedMarch 22, 2021
CultureTwitchCultureTwitchCodeMiko Is The Future Of Streaming, Unless Twitch Bans Her FirstCodeMiko is nervous. I can tell because she tells me. “This is, like, my first interview ever,” she says over a…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMarch 4, 2021
Game TipsGame TipsHow To Actually Access The New Dead Cells DLCDead Cells recently got a lot bigger. This week’s Fatal Falls expansion adds a crop of weapons and enemies to the…ByAri NotisPublishedJanuary 27, 2021