ReviewsBacklogReviewsBacklogOnly After I Embraced My Doom Did Abadox Reveal Its CharmsI’ve been playing a lotta Nintendo Entertainment System lately, partially to make sure RetroArch’s workin’ fine on…ByAlexandra HallPublishedApril 9, 2021
OpinionOpinionThere Are Too Many Warhammer Video GamesBack in 2016, Mike wrote a blog called “There Are Far Too Many Warhammer Games”. In 2021, things have only got worse.ByLuke PlunkettPublishedApril 6, 2021
CultureCulturePokémon Gets Me Through ItIn the Pokémon universe, it’s customary for small children to receive a beast capable of leveling cities before…ByGrant StonerPublishedApril 6, 2021
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryI Wish Genshin Impact Cared About My Time As Much As Its Story Seems ToReused NPCs. An environment you’ve already spent dozens of hours in. Contrived progress gating based on time. On…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMarch 30, 2021
CultureTotal RecallCultureTotal RecallA History Of Shareware, Demos And Covertapes Back before YouTube and Twitch and always online DRM, developers needed more effective ways of marketing than just…ByBen LatimorePublishedMarch 25, 2021
CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicBravely Default II’s Grand Music Does Most Of Its StorytellingWelcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…ByAri NotisPublishedMarch 19, 2021
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryBravely Default 2’s Level Up Screen Is So SatisfyingSixty hours later I still love watching these numbers go up.ByEthan GachPublishedMarch 2, 2021
CultureCultureThe Week In Games: Prepare For Bowser's FuryPeople like Mario games, I’ve heard. So it’s good to see Nintendo releasing another one! Super Mario 3D World +…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedFebruary 8, 2021
CultureCultureTevinter Is Nice, But I Hope Dragon Age 4 Visits Rivain, TooIt wasn’t hard to guess that Dragon Age 4 might take place in the Tevinter Imperium. After all, at the end of Dragon…ByAsh ParrishPublishedJanuary 25, 2021
The BestsThe BestsLet's Rank (A Few) Sonic GamesThere are a lot of Sonic games. There aren’t too many Sonic games because one can never get enough of the blue…ByAsh ParrishPublishedJanuary 15, 2021