Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
From the legendary series that founded the online shooter genre comes the most exciting, energetic, and fast-paced shooter on the Internet. Play against players around the world in over 100 arenas, and a dozen game modes, in one of the most competitive shooters online today. Welcome to Quake Live.
Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
“Game developers don’t like me,” said Sabina Hemmi. “Before I came around, there was no insight into how balanced a…
December is off to a nice start with plenty of major tournaments throughout esports, including Dota 2, Rocket League,…
Outside of some fighting tournaments, this weekend’s goings-on are mostly confined to play within each game’s…
Evo 2017 hasn’t even started, DreamHack Atlanta is weeks away, and Dota 2's TI7 is next month, and yet this post-4th…
With the Dota 2 TI7 qualifiers behind us and ESL One Cologne yet to begin, this weekend belongs to some of pro…
We’re just days away from E3, when we’ll all gather on the internet for that barrage of endorphins that can only…
If there’s one thing I do for this site, it’s play a ton of games. 2016 was an amazing year and offered some of the…