CultureCultureConfessions Of A Teenaged Strip-Mall GameStop DelinquentEverybody at the strip was convinced that Caleb had stolen the cash. We were leaned back in uncomfortable metal…ByCecilia D'AnastasioPublishedSeptember 9, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsDicey Dungeons Is A Good Entry Point For Deck BuildersLife is an endless barrage of decisions. Some are big. Should you look for a better apartment? Most are small. Some p…ByEthan GachPublishedAugust 15, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsThe Messenger’s New Island DLC Is A Perfect Substitute For A Day At The BeachIt’s already mid-July, and I still haven’t made it to the beach. Maybe you haven’t either. The Messenger’s free…ByEthan GachPublishedJuly 11, 2019
6/23/19Ghost Trick Brilliantly Turned Regret And The Supernatural Into A Game MechanicGhost Trick is what you’d get if the film Ghost met Groundhog Day. Directed by the creator of the Ace Attorney…ByPeter TieryasPublishedJune 23, 2019
6/23/19What I’m Most Looking Forward To Re-Experiencing In The Final Fantasy VII RemakeI bought the original PlayStation just so I could play Final Fantasy VII. Until then, all I’d had was a SNES and a…ByPeter TieryasPublishedJune 23, 2019
CultureCultureThe Week In Games: Say, That's A Nice BikeA quiet week. E3 is getting closer and closer and as usual, game releases are slowing down during this time of the…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedJune 3, 2019
Reviews3DSReviews3DSPersona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth: The Kotaku ReviewWhen I first started Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, I was having an absolute blast. That wasn’t surprising,…ByNatalie DegraffinriedPublishedJune 3, 2019
5/22/19Lapis X Labyrinth Lights Up My LifeIn Lapis X Labyrinth, NIS America’s new dungeon crawler coming to PlayStation 4 and Switch on May 28, a totem-like…ByMike FaheyPublishedMay 22, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsPersona Q2 Has Me In An Extremely Fun Feedback LoopPersona Q, a 2014 turn-based role-playing game for the 3DS, put Persona 3 and 4 characters into an extended…ByNatalie DegraffinriedPublishedMay 21, 2019
4/10/19Trine 4's Developers Want To Take The Series Back To What WorkedThe first time I played Trine, which came out in 2009, I found its combination of high-fantasy, 2D side-scrolling,…ByEthan GachPublishedApril 10, 2019