When resourceful fans discovered
an exploit showing how to rack up hundreds of extra lives in Super Mario 3DS, some…
When resourceful fans discovered
an exploit showing how to rack up hundreds of extra lives in Super Mario 3DS, some…
The PlayStation 3's virtual world transforms from tired curiosity to gamer theme park tomorrow, when Sony rolls out…
A few weeks ago, I played a lot of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I got up to what I'd call the lava temple,…
Catherine first caught gamers' eyes last year largely due to sexy half-naked images of its title character. Months…
I've always thought that Final Fantasy XIII didn't get a fair shake. Admittedly, it was an overwhelmingly linear…
Don't let the farting, the peeing of pants and the tossing of cookies let you think that Russian doll adventure game …
After filling the pollen gauge, players can turn the under water landscape into a colorful garden.
Windows Phone 7 devices - aka the Xbox phones - begin arriving in stores today and Microsoft is hoping that gamers…
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the most unnecessary Mario game of all time.
Toy Story 3: The Video Game's toy box opens up the world of the upcoming movie to exploration, experimentation and…