The art of game creation is always interesting, but looking behind the curtain of Mario Party 8 is a particularly…
The art of game creation is always interesting, but looking behind the curtain of Mario Party 8 is a particularly…
In anime A Place Further than the Universe, a girl with long black hair drops an envelope containing 1,000,000 yen…
Today in Austin, Texas, we put on a live episode of Kotaku Splitscreen to talk about Telltale’s formula and much…
Secret of Mana is a broken game that I will always love. Playing through the recent remake forced me to reckon with…
Scribblenauts Showdown looks like, uh, something.
Halo: Reach’s ninth campaign level, The Package, has a cutscene where Noble Team goes through a destroyed science…
Every year, BarSK in Melbourne holds a special event. It’s a game jam that runs for over half a day, from the…
I’ve been going back and forth on what the most mind-blowing part of the Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive is.…
The developer for a cult classic, experimental horror game disappeared from the internet for a decade. Their sudden,…
Tingle’s a guy dressed in a green onesie who sells maps in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. The offbeat…