If you don’t read fanfiction, it’s hard to really understand the purpose it serves. At its worst fanfiction is self…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Project Hunt
It is a semi-realistic hunting game. Animals are shot and killed with guns. The shot review shows animal detail and the bullet's hit.
If you don’t read fanfiction, it’s hard to really understand the purpose it serves. At its worst fanfiction is self…
The developer for a cult classic, experimental horror game disappeared from the internet for a decade. Their sudden,…
When The Witcher 3 launched for the original Xbox One back in 2015, it only ran at 900p (1600 x 900) resolution and…
Last month, rumors spread about the Polish company CD Projekt Red, mostly based on negative Glassdoor reviews…
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? made learning about the countries of the world thrilling and fun when it was…
If you’ve never played XCOM 2, here’s my advice: Skip the vanilla version and start by playing the new expansion, War…
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND PIXELS, which comes out on September 5 and tells the…
Microsoft kicked off their E3 2017 press conference by officially revealing their beefy new console, the $499 Xbox…
“I was torn between the irrational fear that someone else would stumble on and publish my 40 year old discovery…
Games with what you could call celebrity endorsements are not unknown. But Richard Dawkins: Evolution is something…