ReviewsReviewsFinal Fantasy VII Remake: The Kotaku ReviewA remake is, by nature, an egotistical exercise. Choosing to revise and re-release an old work of art is looking…ByJason SchreierPublishedApril 6, 2020
ReviewsPCReviewsPCHalf-Life: Alyx: The Kotaku ReviewMere minutes into Half-Life: Alyx, I encountered a Strider. These behemoths cast ominous shadows on all who dare…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMarch 23, 2020
CultureCulturePoor Pay, Abuse, And Harassment: How The World's Biggest Wizard School Lost Its MagicEditor’s Note: This story has been updated to include details relating to the allegations that a Dziobak writer had…ByElizabeth BallouPublishedMarch 20, 2020
Game TipsGame TipsTips For Playing The Division 2 [Updated]The Division 2 is filled with things to do, places to explore, guns to collect and enemies to kill. And after a…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedMarch 8, 2020
3/4/20Now playing Final Fantasy VII Remake's Nostalgia Is A Double-Edged Buster SwordFinal Fantasy VII was an eye-opening experience for me growing up. Back in 1997, it was a lightning bolt that merged…PublishedMarch 4, 2020
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsOld-School Adventure World Of Horror Is Like Stepping Into A Junji Ito MangaMy flashlight casts a trembling light on the dark, dingy school bathroom. My head throbs from concussion, my face…ByIan WalkerPublishedFebruary 19, 2020
CultureCultureFire Emblem: Three Houses Is Being Demade To Look More Like Older GamesKnow what I loved about Three Houses? Almost everything! Know what I didn’t love? A lot of the game’s 3D visuals,…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedFebruary 11, 2020
CultureCultureMore Bans Are On The Way To Combat Idle Players Farming Experience In Halo: Reach343 Industries says another wave of bans is on the way in response to the ongoing problem of players trying to farm…ByEthan GachPublishedJanuary 30, 2020
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsThe Darwin Project Brings Goofy Charm To The Battle Royale GenreSnowy battle royale game The Darwin Project left a two-year early access period on PC and Xbox One for its full…ByRiley MacLeodPublishedJanuary 15, 2020
CultureCultureThe Cost Of Being A Woman Who Covers Video GamesNow that it’s 2020, I keep thinking about how it felt to be a woman writing about gender in video games back in 2010.ByMaddy MyersPublishedJanuary 3, 2020