What happens when you mix a classic fairytale premise with World War II-style airplanes in a fantasy world setting?…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Princess escape
The princess had been taken captive in the nest of the monsters, but planned her escape! Solve the riddle, scratch and dive through the trap, and use your erotic skills to escape!
What happens when you mix a classic fairytale premise with World War II-style airplanes in a fantasy world setting?…
Today's selection of articles fromKotaku's reader-run community:Dex's Review: The Princess and the Pilot • The Crystal's Call - Escape From Castrum Centri • ANI-TAY PODCAST VOLUNTEERS WANTED Read more
If you're going to pick up a One anytime soon, you may as well save 20 bucks. Newegg's eBay storefront has the new…
Long the 800-lb gorilla of handheld gaming, the DS is in its twilight, besieged by smartphones and pushed aside by…
People are fun to be around. People are also disgusting — it's not mean, it's true. There's more chance of catching…
When I was a child, I paid like a child, I saved like a child, I bargained like a child. When I read the Moneysaver,…
A beautiful city with a seamy underbelly. A girl in danger. Weird magic. Beheadings. Junk food. Am I talking about…
There's a short piece up on Wired about a new Star Wars comic book series. There's something new in it: Leia is a…
Earlier this year when Sword Art Online hit its halfway point, I called it the smartest anime I had seen in years…
In case you've never come across the project previously, Star Wars Revisited is one man's personal quest to gently…