With each new year, it feels like I'm watching another horror series becomes less horrific. Resident Evil, Alien,…
How Long Can You Survive?Powerless is an interactive fiction experience set in present-day London which explores the devastating effect of a global power cut. Guided by the brutally honest and frank AI "MAUDE" (Mobile Assessment Unit of Disastrous Events) you will be assigned unique personas based on answers to psychological profiling questions. Once briefed, you will enter into the simulation and experience different stages of the Powerless catastrophe. Explore as many personas as you can and try to keep them alive long enough to discover how deep our reliance on technology has become. As you move through the simulator, MAUDE will judge you on your honesty, selfishness, bravery and resourcefulness.
With each new year, it feels like I'm watching another horror series becomes less horrific. Resident Evil, Alien,…
The last thing I did at E3 last week, before going to LAX and heading home, was to meet with some gentlemen from…
He's a a fight promoter and a guy with an outsize personality, but however serious Dana White was when he said these…
I'll confess: I really wanted to start this review with a choice quote from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and…
In very few games have I truly inhabited the persona of a goddam-right-I-am badass, whose demonstrations of power…
The lead designer of The Elder Scrolls III and IV, a New York Times bestselling fantasy author, and one of comics'…
Sexism in games remains an unsolved problem, it's clear. Some of you will be nodding along, and some of you will…
Is the new Homefront necessary? Pardon that imprudent question, but when a man is drowning in a sea of first-person…
Geek men like to believe that we're the sensitive, thoughtful, and caring men that attractive women often pass over…
We expect objects to talk to us. That's the core concept of the excellent exhibition Talk to Me running now, through…