Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition is an abridged Final Fantasy XV for players without the time, patience or attention…
A role-playing game from simokentarosu.
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition is an abridged Final Fantasy XV for players without the time, patience or attention…
Enter The Gungeon released on the Nintendo Switch last week, and they go great together. Despite a few bugs and some…
Last week, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was way out in front in the Japanese sales chart, surprising absolutely no one. Some…
For the 11th year in a row, I’ve tallied a list of all the games I started and/or finished in the previous year.…
For most of its life, Mojang has allowed private Minecraft servers to exist with few, if any, caveats. The largest…
After much hinting, foreshadowing, and teasing, the newest Minecraft snapshot is out, showing us at long last what…
“Dunno if I’m out of the loop, but what the hell is this?” Crypt of the NecroDancer player RireMakar asked on Reddit…
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was released yesterday, and as with all entries in the dungeon crawling series it…
“Indie” might be an increasingly nebulous term these days, but the festival celebrating it was home to some damn…