When the most exciting downloadable title in Nintendo's weekly lineup is an air traffic control sim game, it's…
When the most exciting downloadable title in Nintendo's weekly lineup is an air traffic control sim game, it's…
It's Thursday, and Nintendo has updated its various digital delivery services with fresh new games, some that come…
As a game maker and the co-president of Games for Change, I was thrilled to be invited by Kotaku to discuss some of…
Late last month, Nintendo slashed the price of the 3DS. As website The Register asked, is this impacting other…
I can understand leaving Mario Picross for the original Game Boy in black and white, but in this day and age a…
Glu Mobile has a game on the iPhone called Gun Bros. It's an arcade shooter, I've played it, it's pretty fun. It's…
The internet is abuzz with the story of a Chinese couple that's gotten in trouble for selling their three children…
So you spent an extra $80 on the 3DS than folks picking it up next month. You'll be getting 20 free games…
If you go hunting for new 3DS games you don't have to worry about running out of bullets. This is one scarce safari.
We reported almost a year ago that spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra teamed up with THQ to build a video game that…