It is now four days since the conclusion of qualifying for the MLB 2K12 Perfect Game Challenge and there has been no…
A mobile game based on the popular card game.
It is now four days since the conclusion of qualifying for the MLB 2K12 Perfect Game Challenge and there has been no…
When one thinks of this industry's true tech-driven developers, one doesn't have to think too hard. Count them on…
The original Plants versus Zombies is a classic in China. Even before the Chinese version came out, the game was a…
Have you ever gotten so immersed in a video game so fully that you lost track of time? You're climbing the mountains…
Used to being led about by the nose in Final Fantasy XIII? Final Fantasy XIII-2 is here, and it's nowhere near as…
Caps -Look it's Super Mario salt and pepper shakers!
Kirby was always a simple video game character. He was a pleaser. Today, he's a rebel.
As a game maker and the co-president of Games for Change, I was thrilled to be invited by Kotaku to discuss some of…
Four "Megaservers" unifying DC Universe Online by platform and region will deploy on Monday, offering larger…
After one level you see clearly the inspiration for Paper Munchers. It's a physics puzzle that places a premium on…