Hello all you death spores on the flesh of the Internet, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating advice column…
Peace, Death! is an arcade simulator with difficulties. In this game, you play as the Reaper working for your boss, Death, in Apocalypse, Inc. You face a challenge: go through a trial period of seven weeks to get a permanent job and advance the interests of your employer.
Hello all you death spores on the flesh of the Internet, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating advice column…
I grew up reading Harry Potter, and it shaped my life to the extent that I have a Deathly Hallows tattoo. As an…
When players aren’t caught up in solving random crimes, performing optional missions or basking in the sheer joy of…
Hello all you horsepersons of the Twitter Apocalypse, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column…
Luigi Mario, best known to friends and family as Luigi, died this morning at the age of 35. He is survived by his…
Over the past week, the overwhelming majority of EVE Online’s player run coalitions have begun to band together and…
The Arkham games are Batman at his best, combining intense action sequences against an iconic gallery of villains…
The PS4’s latest blockbuster moviegame Detroit: Become Human is like something my Alexa would come up with, were I…
Puzzle-platformer Forgotton Anne plays like a side-scrolling Studio Ghibli movie. Without a health bar, an inventory…