In a statement just released, N-Control, maker of the "Avenger" accessory linked to the infamous marketer Paul…
Builder. Designer. Renovator. Unleash your creativity in over a dozen unique places, get the right equipment, prepare the space, use what you find. Wanna make a crazy party?
In a statement just released, N-Control, maker of the "Avenger" accessory linked to the infamous marketer Paul…
If they've been making versions of the Nintendo Wii's new board game for 20 years, if Nintendo themselves are…
The employees of peripheral maker PDP Gaming celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday with a turkey made of pastry and…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 wants you. It wants your friends. It wants to chew you and spit you out a walking,…
Kids and iPads are a better fit than you'd think—as long as those little hands are clean.
She's Published - My wife's book is in print. She got her first copy this week. Pretty damn cool to hold something…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week...
Are you going to this year's San Diego Comic-Con? Then you must love video games, a medium that has a stronger…
Square Enix has made the unusual mash-up of music and role-playing game known as Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy…
Crytek are the developers behind the original Far Cry, Crysis, Crysis 2 and the Cryengine. They could also, but for…