CultureCultureThe Week In Games: Yay, More Shovel KnightA new Shovel Knight spin-off, The Gunk on Game Pass, Trash Sailors, some ports, and even a Wii U releaseByZack ZwiezenPublishedDecember 12, 2021
OpinionOpinionTier List: The Best Goths In Video GamesSteel yourself for Hot Topic flashbacks as we rank the most stylish goths in gamesByIsaiah ColbertPublishedOctober 27, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsOh Snap, Bayonetta's Got Braids In Third GamePlatinumGames finally gave the world a new look at the gun-crazy witch's third adventureByAsh ParrishPublishedSeptember 23, 2021
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Game TipsGame TipsMore Tips Than You Probably Need For The Quake RemasterLet’s get you kickin’ ass in id Software’s timeless first-person shooterByAlexandra HallPublishedSeptember 3, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsBack 4 Blood's Beta Hit Nearly 100k Active Players On Steam Over The WeekendThe beta for the Left 4 Dead-like was one of the most played games in the last 72 hours on Valve's serviceByZack ZwiezenPublishedAugust 8, 2021
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OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryGameStop's New Discord Haunted By Gamers, Stonk BrosMaybe that stock money should go toward (more) moderatorsByPatricia HernandezPublishedJuly 7, 2021
CultureE3CultureE3Why Was Nintendo's 'Switch Pro' Missing From E3?Mario and Zelda in 4K will have to wait for another dayByIan WalkerPublishedJune 16, 2021