Looking back on the list of video games I finished in 2011, it's an embarrassingly thin roster. It may be my least…
Looking back on the list of video games I finished in 2011, it's an embarrassingly thin roster. It may be my least…
A walk-on running back; a dad who couldn't tell his kids what he did; a fat kid who started going to the gym and…
Fire up a Japanese video game, and you'll see it—just look at the newly released Final Fantasy XIII-2, if you don't…
The great things about playing video games is how it gives you a chance to spend a little time with your child in…
With respect and admiration for, if not apologies to, the late Ernie Harwell, here's something adapted from his…
A new fitness program that asks gamers to earn time gaming by exercising is targeting fans of one of the biggest…
A Wake -Game Informer gives us our first look at the upcoming Alan Wake addition. One of my favorite modern games…
NHL 12 is not just a critically acclaimed game for its simulated play; it's also a fun time for armchair talent…
Wii Sports was a mirage. At first glance it seemed the perfect sports game, all action and technique, no…
The first act of Gears of War 3 is impressively muscular and surprisingly graceful, a role model for shooter fans…