In the world of The Last of Us, where power grids are down and vine-covered, broken buildings are all that remind…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Nothing Left: Give Up
Legend has it that in the far east, there is a golden tree that produces golden fruits, and there are constantly explorers embarking on this arduous and challenging journey in search of the legendary golden tree. Explorers please be careful of the rough sea, once stepped into will never be recovered
In the world of The Last of Us, where power grids are down and vine-covered, broken buildings are all that remind…
Before the 128-bit era, many Japanese games, especially RPGs, never left Japanese shores. But over the years, many…
I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
For months now, Xbox 360 owners have been complaining of a surge in account thefts, incidents when people wake up…
Starhawk is a third-person shooter. Actually, scratch that, let me try again: Starhawk is a fighter-pilot game.…
The PlayStation 3 had been out for several months when I started looking into buying one. My PS2 was making loud…
Give a man a snack, you keep him sated until dinner; teach a man to create a snack, and he'll make it once, tell…
For this week's Burning Questions, Jason and Kirk look at how gaming impacts their everyday life. Why is it so hard…
The fridge is full of energy drinks. Heads hover motionless, inches from illuminated screens. An arcade machine sits…