The third season of Street Fighter V characters was announced after the conclusion of this year’s Capcom Cup, and…
The third season of Street Fighter V characters was announced after the conclusion of this year’s Capcom Cup, and…
Star Wars: Battlefront II frustrates me in ways I never knew I could be frustrated. It is both a lovingly crafted…
Fantasy Strike takes recognizable moves from other fighting games but removes the difficulty of performing those…
This year’s Evolution Championship Series marks Marvel vs. Capcom 3’s seventh appearance at the world’s largest…
Nintendo’s Pokken Tournament DX invitational tournament at E3 this afternoon served as a way to signpost the game’s…
Microsoft kicked off their E3 2017 press conference by officially revealing their beefy new console, the $499 Xbox…
You hungry? Like really, really hungry? Well, have I got a meal for you.
Starting now and going into the night, Street Fighter V pros Bryant “Smug” Huggins, Justin Wong and Du “NuckleDu”…
The concept we had was simple. Pit some of the world’s best pro gamers against regular folks. So that’s what we’re…
Of all the games with tens of colorful heroes and millions of people playing incessantly, Overwatch is the least…