All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Ninja Gaiden 3
Ninja Gaiden 3 is the first main entry in the modern Ninja Gaiden series not to be directed by former Team Ninja head Tomonobu Itagaki. NG3 features new game mechanics, a focus on consequence and 8-player online modes.
Today, Tecmo Co. Ltd. announced that Tecmo president Yoshimi Yasuda will resign. The Board of Directors accepted…
So that thank-you note thing was weird. Yeah, it's a nice gesture, but the wording and the tone, I dunno ... it…
So far this generation, Microsoft's lineup of exclusives has done a pretty good job! Gears of War, Project Gotham…
To: Ash From: Crecente Re: Is Sharing A Room With Siblings Hard? Today was my Birthday and I spent it doing what I…
Looking to get your PlayStation 3 fix on the cheap? Now's your chance, as the Greatest Hits line finally comes to…
If I had worked on Dead or Alive 4 with the folks at Team Ninja, I would definitely spend my bonus money on this…
See, not only is this E3 week, it's NPD sales figures week as well. Double your pleasure. Software sales first, and…
Sony's E3 offerings run the gamut from Resistance: Retribution and Massive Action Game, to Buzz! Quiz TV. The full…
At Sony's E3 2008 press conference, Jack Tretton announced a 80 GB PS3 "Core Pack" that'll go for $400 — "the same…
I know the headline and the picture should try to say something about the story, but in truth, neither are in any…