Harry Lee is 19 years old. He wants to change your life. Well, maybe not your life, but someone's life. He wants to…
Harry Lee is 19 years old. He wants to change your life. Well, maybe not your life, but someone's life. He wants to…
I thought I was going to love Assassin's Creed III. From everything I'd seen, it seemed like Ubisoft was doing…
The Dead or Alive series has always felt like it was my fighting franchise. From the moment I first button-mashed my…
Borderlands 2 is a game that will keep you happily busy for some time. But if you want to experience all the game…
While the western hemisphere slept, over in Tokyo our Kotaku East team swarmed the first day of the 2012 Tokyo Game…
Welcome to the Best of Kotaku, where I round up all of this week's best content.
Most people might take their stealth tips from Solid Snake or Sam Fisher. Me, I'm more in tune with, uh, the…
This week ends the summer for most people in school and for those who follow the rules regarding wearing white…
Final Fantasy VII's Wikipedia entry is 6,596 words.The Wikipedia entry for William Shakespeare is 5,999 words. Let's…
Lost among this week's barrage of awesome new video games is The Last Story, a role-playing game that's slipped…